Koledar tekmovanj

IARU R1 ATV c’test
Jun 10 @ 12:00 – Jun 11 @ 17:59




IARU Region 1 ATV Contest 10/11 June 2023

The next IARU Region 1 ATV Contest runs from 1200 UTC on Saturday 10 June until 1800 UTC on Sunday 11 June.  The rules are unchanged from last year, as any changes will need to be approved at the IARU Region 1 General Conference in October 2023.

The 2023 rules can be found at https://wiki.batc.org.uk/images/5/5c/2022_ATV_Contest_Rules.pdf and a guide on how to enter is also on the Wiki at https://wiki.batc.org.uk/IARU_ATV_contest .

It’s really easy to participate – you just need to exchange a 4-number code by video with the other stations.  The code must only be sent by video, but you’ll need to exchange a report, serial number and locator by some other means (sound on the video, talkback etc).  Choose a sensible 4-number code, not all the same like 2222 or sequential like1234.  Codes such as 2234 are OK.  You’ll need a different code for each band.

Submitting an entry only needs you to fill in the details on the spreadsheet that can be downloaded from here: https://wiki.batc.org.uk/File:ATV-contest-log-callsign-20230610.xls .  Save the file on your computer, and change the filename to include your callsign.  Then open it, enable macros (to calculate the scoring), and fill in the summary sheet.  Then log the contact in the tab for each band.  Remember that reports must be a P2 to count for points – you would not have been able to see the numbers if it was only a P1.  Save the file and check the scores on the summary sheet; then e-mail it to your country coordinator or [email protected].

The Contest runs across all bands from 432 MHz upwards.  All ATV modes are acceptable within the licence regulations: DATV, FM ATV (use your new IC-905!) or even AM with appropriate filtering.  Please make an effort to participate even if you only have one contact.  It all helps to show that we are making use of the bands.

This will be my last year of organising and scoring the contest on behalf of IARU Region 1.  I will have been doing it for 7 years, so it is time for somebody else to take on the task.  Please, if you think that you might have the time to give something back to the hobby and encourage its development, let us know by e-mailing [email protected] .  I will be on-hand to provide help and assistance for the first year.

Dave, G8GKQ


IARU Region 1 ATV Contest 8/9 June 2024

Dear VHF managers,
The message below is about the IARU ATV contest. Please pass this on to the ATV contest manager within your association.
Everyone is hereby invited to participate in the IARU Amateur Television Contest. It will be held from June 8, 2024 12:00 UTC to June 9, 2024 18:00 UTC.
You can view the rules of this television competition here: https://www.iaru-r1.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Rules-IARU-R1-ATV-Contest.pdf.
Logs must be submitted on the latest version of ATV Contest Excel form. The latest version of this form is version 6 and can be downloaded here: https://www.iaru-r1.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ATV-contest-log-IARU-V6-2024-4-21.xls
From this year onwards, VERON will organize the IARU ATV Contest. Logs of participants can be submitted via the national ATV contest manager or directly to the email address: [email protected]
This email address is the same as in previous years and can also be used for questions.
In addition to the well-known talkback channels in the 144 MHz frequency band also the internet chat channel DXSpot can also be used to make skeds: https://dxspot.batc.org.uk/
The 50 MHz band has been newly added to this competition to stimulate reduced bandwidth digital amateur television modes.. This band is known for sporadic-E radio propagation where average distances of 1500 km are possible.
Initially, the DVB-S2 symbol rate 125k mode is most commonly used on 51.7 MHz for DATV. See the IARU-R1 band plan for the agreements that have been made on the use of 50 MHz and DATV.
The zello VOIP channel “50MHz Digital Amateur Television” can also be used to make skeds or to meet each other
73 Rob PE1ITR
Italian Activity Contest (432 MHz)
Jun 13 @ 19:00 – 23:00

Contest rules


Italy: http://www.ari.it/en/contest-vhf-up/iac/regolamento.html

9A Digital Activity Contest (UHF)
Jun 14 @ 17:00 – 20:00


SP Activity Contest – Open Class (70 MHz)
Jun 15 @ 19:00 – 23:00

Jun 17 @ 14:00 – Jun 18 @ 13:59


Alpe Adria UHF/SHF contest
Jun 18 @ 07:00 – 14:59
9A Activity C’test
Jun 18 @ 07:00 – 12:00


Pravila UKV natjecanja 9A Activity contest

Organizator natjecanja

Organizator natjecanja je Hrvatski radioamaterski savez (HRS) s ciljem propagiranja rada i povećanja aktivnosti na UKV frekventnim područjima.


Pravo sudjelovanja u natjecanju imaju sve licencirane postaje iz Republike Hrvatske i iz zemalja članica IARU-a.

Termin održavanja natjecanja

Termin svakog od 11 perioda je treća nedjelja u mjesecu i to počevši od siječnja i zaključno sa studenim.

Vrijeme održavanja natjecanja

Od 0700 do 1200 UTC.


Natjecanje se održava na 144 MHz, 432 MHz i 1296 MHz,  sukladno band planu 1. regijeIARU-a.


  • – 144 MHz – jedan operator, sve vrste rada,
  • – 144 MHz – više operatora, sve vrste rada,
  • – 144 MHz – jedan operator, sve vrste rada, mala snaga (do 100 W),
  • – 144 MHz – više operatora, sve vrste rada, mala snaga (do 100 W),
  • – 432 MHz – jedan operator, sve vrste rada,
  • – 432 MHz – više operatora, sve vrste rada,
  • – 1296 MHz – jedan operator, sve vrste rada,
  • – 1296 MHz – više operatora, sve vrste rada,

Klupske postaje mogu raditi isključivo u kategoriji više operatora.


Dopuštena je uporaba samo jedne pozivne oznake na jednom opsegu, kao i odašiljanje samo jednoga signala na frekventnom opsegu (bez obzira na kategoriju).  Nije dopuštena uporaba više pozivnih oznaka s jedne radiopostaje.

Vrste rada

Dopuštene vrste rada su CW, SSB i FM prema postojećemu band planu 1. regije IARU-a. Veze ostvarene refleksijom od Mjeseca (EME), meteoritskih tragova (MS), preko satelita, transpondera ili repetitora, kao i cross-band veze ne priznaju se.


Tijekom natjecanja obvezna je izmjena raporta po RST skali, rednoga broja veze (koji u svakomu periodu počinje od 001 i uvećava se za 1 za svaku narednu vezu) i WW lokatora.

Na svakom bandu vode se posebni redni brojevi.


Sve veze boduju se po principu 1 kilometar = 1 bod.

Tijekom natjecanja boduje se samo jedna veza s korespondentom na istom frekvencijskom području bez obzira na kategoriju i vrstu rada. Dvostruke (duple) veze moraju obvezatno biti uvedene u dnevnik natjecanja i posebno označene, te obvezno bodovane s nula bodova.

Natjecateljski dnevnici i zbrojni list

Natjecateljski dnevnici vode se u standardnom EDI obliku za svaki opseg posebno, sa zaglavljem koje treba sadržavati: ime i prezime natjecatelja (ili naziv radiokluba), pozivnu oznaku, adresu postaje na koju glasi dozvola za rad, lokaciju postaje za vrijeme natjecanja, WW lokator, nadmorsku visinu, kategoriju u kojoj se natjecalo, popis operatora i pomagača, ODX pozivnu oznaku, ODX lokator, ODX QRB, tehničke podatke o korištenoj opremi, broj veza, zbroj ostvarenih bodova, komentar natjecanja, te svim potrebnim podatcima veze: nadnevak, vrijeme (po UTC-u), pozivna oznaka korespondenta, vrsta rada, predani raport i redni broj veze, primljeni raport i redni broj veze, WW lokator korespondenta, ostvareni QRB u km.

Dostavljanje natjecateljskih dnevnika

Dnevnike natjecanja za 9A Activity contest treba dostavljati na slijedeće adrese:

-UKV robot: www.hrvhf.net, rubrika Contest -> Upload EDI


E-mail[email protected].

Rok za dostavljanje natjecateljskih dnevnika je najkasnije 8 dana po održanome natjecanju (periodu).

Obrada dnevnika i objava rezultata

Za izradu rezultata pojedinih perioda odgovoran je HRS-ov koordinator za 9A activity natjecanje.

Svi sudionici imaju pravo pismene žalbe na rezultate natjecateljskom povjerenstvu u roku 8 dana od dana objavljivanja neslužbenih rezultata pojedinog perioda.

Oduzimanje bodova, diskvalifikacija i sve moguće sporne situacije rješavat će se sukladno Općim pravilima UKV natjecanja HRS-a.

Sve sporne detalje, rješavat će Izvršni odbor Hrvatskoga radioamaterskog saveza.

Konačni rezultat

Konačni rezultat natjecanja dobije se zbrajanjem ostvarenih bodova iz rađenih perioda 9A Activity natjecanja na svakom bandu posebno. U završnomu plasmanu natjecanja naći će se sve postaje koje su sudjelovale u najmanje 3 (tri) perioda natjecanja.

Rezultati natjecanja bit će objavljeni u časopisu Radio HRS-u kao i na web stranicama HRS-a: http://www.hrvhf.net.

Nagrade natjecateljima

  • Peharom i diplomom bit će nagrađene tri prvoplasirane postaje iz Republike Hrvatske u svim kategorijama
  • Plaketom i diplomom bit će nagrađene tri prvoplasirane postaje izvan Republike Hrvatske u svim kategorijama,
  • Plaketom i diplomom biti će nagrađena najbolje plasirana 9A postaja koja je radila u natjecanju isključivo FM vrstom rada, na 145 MHz, bez obzira na kategoriju.
  • Plaketom i diplomom bit će nagrađena najbolje plasirana 9A – YL postaja, na 145 MHz.
  • Plaketom i diplomom bit će nagrađeni najbolje plasirani mladi 9A operator, koji u kalendarskoj godini navršava najviše 18 godina, na 145 MHz.

Za sve ostale detalje vrijede Opća pravila UKV natjecanja u organizaciji HRS-a

HRS UKV contest koordinator                                 9A UKV manager

Krešo Bišćan, 9A2HM                                             Darko Grubić, 9A6ARP


HA Activity C’test
Jun 18 @ 07:00 – 12:00


Activity Contest „VHF Maraton”


Arranged by Radio Club Theodore Puskás HA5KHC on behalf of MRASZ BSZ (Budapest Federation of the Hungarian Radio Amateur Society).

To develop contest skill of beginning radio amateurs in Hungarian and foreign language communication, to support field days activities and to test equipment of own development.

Contest periods
Between 07.00 – 12.00 UTC on the 3rd Sunday of every month in each year from January to November

Frequency bands:
From 144 MHz to 76 GHz according to IARU Region 1 Band Proposal. Exceptions: repeaters and the frequency 145,500 MHz

Transmission modes:
CW (A1A), SSB (J3E) and FM (F3E).

All domestic and foreign radio amateurs possessing a valid radio license accepting the rules contained in the call for participation.


Individual stations, in each band

Collective stations, in each band


Control number:
RST or RS + in each band and in each round a serial number starting with 001 and WW QTH position (e.g. 599102 JN97NL).

each kilometer distance of the contact x 1 point,
contacts within the same QTH position: 5 points

Final score:
According to international practice the bands are evaluated separately. The end result is calculated as the sum of points earned monthly, by each band.

Contest logs:

proposed program: REG1TEST (EDI) or a protocolling program downloaded from the contest homepage (Editor, UCX-Log, S53WW, DXlog.net, etc)

the line PSECT shall contain SINGLE or MULTI

in each round, and for each band separately compiled Junior age participants please indicate their age. Posting deadline of the protocols: the 14th day after the contest round. Email address of incoming protocols: maraton at mraszbsz.hu In the subject field of emails please indicate CALLSIGN and MONTH!

A call will be evaulated only if it is contained in the protocol sent by the partner station or if the partner station appears in at least 3 protocols
In case of mode difference both parties will be evaluated to 0 points.
In case of callsign failure, received QTH failure and received report failure the contact of the receiving station will be evaluated with 0 points.
In case of a time difference exceeding 3 minutes, and the failing party is clearly established from the logs, he gets 0 points,
if the failing party cannot be established, both parties receive 0 points.

Certification of Merit will be awarded to the first three positions of each category.
Junior age participants receive a memorial certificate in electronic form.

Publication of results:
Preliminary result will be communicated on the homepage of the contest within 60 days following the closing of the yearly contest.
The final result will appear on the homepage of the contest (http://maraton.mraszsz.hu) and on the homepage of MRASZ BSZ (www.mraszbsz.hu).

Award ceremony:
Every year during radio amateur meeting BURABU.(Hungarian HAM meeting) Contest manager: HG5VY Németh János

Wish all participants a successful contest!

The Budapest Federation of MRASZ




ZRS Maraton 6. termin
Jun 18 @ 07:00 – 14:59
OK Activity C’test
Jun 18 @ 08:00 – 11:00


Rules of the OK VHF/UHF/SHF Activity Contest

1. Dateevery third Sunday in each Month
2. Time0800 – 1100 UTC
3. Categories
  1. 144 MHz-Single Op
  2. 144 MHz-Multi Op
  3. 432 MHz-Single Op
  4. 432 MHz-Multi Op
  5. 1296 MHz-Single Op
  6. 1296 MHz-Multi Op
  7. 2.3 GHz-Single Op
  8. 2.3 GHz-Multi Op
  9. 5.7 GHz-Single Op
  10. 5.7 GHz-Multi Op
  11. 10 GHz-Single Op
  12. 10 GHz-Multi Op
4. ModeCW/SSB/FM
5. ExchangeReport RS(RST) + Serial Nr. of QSO (start 001) + WW Locator

pravila tekmovanja:    https://vkvpa.hamradio.cz/rules/PA%20VKV_2023%20%E2%80%93%202022_12_23_en.pdf

rezultati:                        https://vkvpa.hamradio.cz/?str=edit_hlaseni

