Koledar tekmovanj

AR memorial 15:00
AR memorial
May 1 @ 15:00
http://www.s5qrp.com/arm/ http://alt.agcw.de/index.php/en/contests-and-cw-activities/qrp-qrp-party
Italian Activity Contest (144 MHz) 19:00
Italian Activity Contest (144 MHz)
May 5 @ 19:00 – 23:00
Contest rules Italy: http://www.ari.it/en/contest-vhf-up/iac/regolamento.html  
SP Activity Contest – Open Class (144 MHz) 19:00
9A Digital Activity Contest (VHF) 17:00
9A Digital Activity Contest (VHF)
May 6 @ 17:00 – 20:00
VHF-UHF FT8 Activity – 144 MHz 17:00
VHF-UHF FT8 Activity – 144 MHz
May 6 @ 17:00 – 21:00
ZRS sked (HF) 18:00
ZRS sked (HF)
May 6 @ 18:00 – 19:00
ZRS HF sked se odvija na frekvenci 3605 kHz +/- QRM
ZRS sked (VHF) 19:00
ZRS sked (VHF)
May 6 @ 19:00 – 20:00
ZRS VHF sked se odvija na S5 VHF repetitorjih
Italian Activity Contest (432 MHz) 19:00
Italian Activity Contest (432 MHz)
May 12 @ 19:00 – 23:00
Contest rules   Italy: http://www.ari.it/en/contest-vhf-up/iac/regolamento.html
9A Digital Activity Contest (UHF) 17:00
9A Digital Activity Contest (UHF)
May 13 @ 17:00 – 20:00
VHF-UHF FT8 Activity – 432 MHz 17:00
VHF-UHF FT8 Activity – 432 MHz
May 13 @ 17:00 – 21:00
Italian Activity Contest (50 MHz) 19:00
Italian Activity Contest (50 MHz)
May 14 @ 19:00 – 23:00
Contest rules Ital: http://www.ari.it/en/contest-vhf-up/iac/regolamento.html
SP Activity Contest – Open Class (50 MHz) 19:00
IARU R1 70 MHz MGM c’test 14:00
IARU R1 70 MHz MGM c’test
May 16 @ 14:00 – May 17 @ 13:59
https://slovhf.net/shared-files/21563/Newsletter88.pdf   MGM Contests on 50 and 70 MHz About the new MGM contest the basic rules can be summarized in this way : Modes: All Machine Generated Modes (MGM) are valid: β€’ MGM recognized[...]
9A Activity C’test 07:00
9A Activity C’test
May 17 @ 07:00 – 12:00
  Pravila UKV natjecanja 9A Activity contest Organizator natjecanja Organizator natjecanja je Hrvatski radioamaterski savez (HRS) s ciljem propagiranja rada i poveΔ‡anja aktivnosti na UKV frekventnim područjima. Sudionici Pravo sudjelovanja u natjecanju imaju sve licencirane[...]
HA Activity C’test 07:00
HA Activity C’test
May 17 @ 07:00 – 12:00
HA Activity C'test
  Activity Contest β€žVHF Maraton”   Arranged by Radio Club Theodore PuskΓ‘s HA5KHC on behalf of MRASZ BSZ (Budapest Federation of the Hungarian Radio Amateur Society). Purpose: To develop contest skill of beginning radio amateurs[...]
ZRS Maraton 5. termin 07:00
ZRS Maraton 5. termin
May 17 @ 07:00 – 12:59
ZRS Maraton 5. termin
OK Activity C’test 08:00
OK Activity C’test
May 17 @ 08:00 – 11:00
  Rules of the OK VHF/UHF/SHF Activity Contest 1. Date every third Sunday in each Month 2. Time 0800 – 1100 UTC 3. Categories 144 MHz-Single Op 144 MHz-Multi Op 432 MHz-Single Op 432 MHz-Multi[...]