Pravno obvestilo / Legal note

Spletno stran vzdržuje in upravlja S55HH  s sodelavci. Informacije podane na tej spletni strani so zgolj informativne narave, namenjene radioamaterjem. Vzdrževalci spletne strani ne odgovarjamo za nobeno škodo, ki bi bila posledica uporabe informacij podanih na tej spletni strani. Prav tako ne odgovarjamo za vsebino, ki se nahaja na odhodnih povezavah objavljenih na teh spletnih straneh.

S svojimi vpisi ne smete škodovati ostalim uporabnikom, vpisovati neresničnih podatkov, širiti nestrpnost in izvajati ostalih dejanj, ki so v nasprotju z Ustavo Republike Slovenije in splošnimi družbenimi normami, ne smete tudi na kakršen koli način poskušati zlorabiti dostopa in/ali podatkov na spletni strani V okviru tehničnih možnosti si bomo vzdrževalci spletne strani prizadevali, da bo storitev dosegljiva vsem in da bodo podatki zaščiteni na najboljši možni način.

V primeru kršitev bodo neustrezni vpisi odstranjeni, uporabniku pa onemogočen dostop do spletne strani.

Podatkov objavljenih na spletni strani ni dovoljeno kopirati, objavljati na drugih spletnih straneh ali kakor koli drugače uporabljati brez danega pisnega dovoljenja s strani

Spletna stran je trenutno v “beta verziji”. Možne so slovnične in funkcijske napake. Za vsak predlog, opombo in konstruktivno kritiko vam bodo vzdrževalci spletne strani zelo hvaležni ([email protected] ali kontaktni obrazec).

Spletno stran želimo vzdrževati na način, da obiskovalcem nudi enostavno uporabo in zagotavljanje želenih informacij. V ta namen uporabljamo ‘piškotke’ (angleško Cookies), majhne tekstovne datoteke, ki se ob obisku naše spletne strani shranijo na vaš računalnik. Ti piškotki ne omogočajo osebne identifikacije obiskovalcev naše spletne strani. S pomočjo piškotkov zagotavljamo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo in jih ne uporabljamo za potrebe oglaševanja.

V osnovi obstajajo naslednje vrste piškotkov:

  1. potrebni piškotki, brez katerih spletna stran ne deluje pravilno (npr. shrani izdelke, ki ste jih dali v nakupovalno košarico)
  2. piškotki, ki skrbijo za funkcionalnost spletne strani (spletna stran si zapomni, kateri jezik ste izbrali in vam ga ob ponovnem obisku ponudi sama). Seveda ta piškotek velja samo za našo spletno stran in vam ne sledi na druge spletne strani – tam si morate določeno funkcionalnost nastaviti sami posebej
  3. piškotki, ki skrbijo za razne statistične namene, npr. prikažejo nam katere naše vsebine so največkrat obiskane, kaj obiskovalci ne gledajo itd. Na ta način lahko zagotavljamo boljšo vsebino na naši spletni strani. Te informacije nam seveda ne omogočajo vaše identifikacije in so anonimne
  4. piškotki, ki skrbijo za oglaševanje tretjih oseb. Ti piškotki lahko sporočajo lastnikom katere spletne strani obiskujete, katere oglase si ogledujete ipd. Naša spletna stran ne uporablja teh piškotkov.

Na naši spletni strani trenutno uporabljamo piškotke iz prve, druge in tretje skupine. V primeru uporabe piškotkov iz četrte skupine, si le-te lahko izklopite sami z orodjemm na prvi strani (ali pa uporabite napotke iz spodaj navedenih povezav)  in nam onemogočite njihovo uporabo.
Če želite, lahko v brskalniku popolnoma prepoveste ali dovolite uporabo piškotkov (izbrišete že obstoječe piškotke)  iz naše spletne strani (mogoče boste morali postopek ponoviti ob posodobitvi, menjavi svojega brskalnika, možno je tudi, da v tem primeru naša spletna stran ne bo več delovala oz. je ne boste mogli uporabljati v vseh predvidenih namenih). Kako lahko to naredite v nekaterih brskalnikih, lahko izveste TUKAJ.

The webpage is maintained and managed by S55HH and associates. The contents of this webpage are of a purely informative nature, intended for use by radioamateurs. The authors of the webpage are not liable for any damages arising from the use of the contents of this webpage. They are also not responsible for the contents of external links originating on this webpage.

Some of the content of is only available to registered users. By registering and entering your personal information (callsign, address, etc.), you agree to make this data publicly visible. If you do not wish to make this information publicly available, do not enter it. If visiting as a guest (a nonregistered user), you may not have access to the full content and functionality of the webpage.

The data provided by users when visiting will not be voluntarily disclosed to third parties. We will also do everything in our power to prevent the misuse of the information available on

You may not use your posts to harm other users, enter false information, spread intolerance and perform other acts in violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia and other accepted social norms. You also may not attempt to abuse the access to and the information contained on The authors of will endeavor to maintain availability of the webpage and secure the data contained therein in the best possible way.

In case of violation the offending posts will be removed and the user’s access to the webpage revoked.

The data contained on may not be copied, posted on other webpages or used in any way without prior written consent by

The webpage is currently in beta. Bugs and typos may exist. The team is grateful for your comments, suggestions and constructive critiques. To communicate your remarks, opinions, wishes… you can either use the contact form or email [email protected].

We wish to maintain the webpage in a way that ensures ease of use and availability of information. To that end we use cookies, small text files which are stored on your computer after visiting the webpage. These cookies do not allow identification of our users. By using cookies we provide a superior user experience; they are not used for advertising purposes.

There are fundamentally four kinds of cookies:

  1. Cookies necessary for the correct functioning of the webpage (e.g. storing the contents of your shopping basket)
  2. Cookies providing certain functionality (e.g. storing your chosen language and providing it automatically at your next visit). Of course, this cookie is only connected to our webpage — other webpages will need to be configured separately.
  3. Cookies used for statistical purposes, e.g. measuring which parts of the webpage are the most or the least viewed. Using this we are able to provide higher quality content on the webpage. This data does not identify you and is completely anonymous.
  4. Third party advertising cookies. These cookies may communicate with their owners about which webpages you visit and which ads you view. Our webpage does not use these cookies.

Our webpage currently uses cookies from the first three groups. Should cookies from the fourth group ever come into use, you can disable them via the tool on the front page (or follow the links below for further instructions). If you wish to do so, you may prevent your browser from accepting cookies from our webpage completely (including deleting any existing cookies). You may have to repeat this procedure after updating or changing your browser. Furthermore, this may cause the webpage to not function properly. How to manage cookis?