IARU R1 ATV 2024 tekmovanje

V nadaljevanju posredujem (izvorno) vabilo na letošnje IARU R1 ATV tekmovanje. Vsi lastniki ATV opreme vabljeni k sodelovanju.

Everyone is hereby invited to participate in the IARU Amateur Television Contest. It will be held from June 8, 2024 12:00 UTC to June 9, 2024 18:00 UTC.

You can view the rules of this television competition here: https://www.iaru-r1.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Rules-IARU-R1-ATV-Contest.pdf.
Logs must be submitted on the latest version of ATV Contest Excel form. The latest version of this form is version 6 and can be downloaded here: https://www.iaru-r1.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ATV-contest-log-IARU-V6-2024-4-21.xls

From this year onwards, VERON will organize the IARU ATV Contest. Logs of participants can be submitted via the national ATV contest manager or directly to the email address: at*@ia*****.org
This email address is the same as in previous years and can also be used for questions.

In addition to the well-known talkback channels in the 144 MHz frequency band also the internet chat channel DXSpot can also be used to make skeds: https://dxspot.batc.org.uk/

The 50 MHz band has been newly added to this competition to stimulate reduced bandwidth digital amateur television modes.. This band is known for sporadic-E radio propagation where average distances of 1500 km are possible.
Initially, the DVB-S2 symbol rate 125k mode is most commonly used on 51.7 MHz for DATV. See the IARU-R1 band plan for the agreements that have been made on the use of 50 MHz and DATV.
The zello VOIP channel “50MHz Digital Amateur Television” can also be used to make skeds or to meet each other

73 Rob PE1ITR